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Spring Drive 2024

Our Spring Drive is underway!

The Quinte Region Christian Schools Spring Drive is underway!

Our amalgamated schools face a blessing and a challenge: We’ve grown faster than any of us could have imagined. Our schools have seen a 62.5% increase in students over the past 3 years. Praise the Lord! However, donations have not kept pace. All 4 schools are working together to reach a goal of $600,000 for our combined Spring Drive by May 31st.

Will you help? There are several ways you can donate:

Cheque – mail your one time gift to ‘Quinte Region Christian Schools’ 138A Wallbridge Loyalist Rd. Belleville, ON K8N 4Z2

Online – through our Canada Helps link, www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/97410

E-transfer your gift to payments@qrcs.ca (note in memo “Spring Drive Donation”)

Monthly gift can be set up through Canada Helps or Pre-Authorized Debit (to set up Pre-Authorized Debit, please contact Christy Wryghte, Financial Administrator: cwryghte@qrcs.ca