A tuition bursary is awarded to those families who seek financial aid and demonstrate the need for assistance. The Finance Committee awards the tuition bursary, which carries with it no obligation of repayment. However, we hope that beneficiaries will (in the future) become donors to the fund, and give back to support others who need assistance. This year we will utilize the online service of Independent School Management’s Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST) to process bursary applications. FAST will be the standard submission format for all applications.
FAST does not decide whether financial assistance will be given or how much to give; rather FAST provides a need-based financial aid analysis service which includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably contribute toward tuition. All information from FAST is kept confidential. Results are reviewed by the Financial Administrator who provides recommendations (without using applicant names or identifying info) to the Financial Aid Committee who proposes the recommendations to the board based on next year’s budget. Upon approval by the board, financial aid offers are then sent to families.
- The application process is self-guided. You may navigate in and out of the program allowing you to partially complete an application and return to it at another time. FAST has a 24/7/365 helpline available to you should you have any technical questions, which can be reached by calling 1-877-326-FAST (2378).
- The non-refundable fee for the application is $53.00 USD and is to be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) after all sections have been completed.
- Click on the “FAST” Logo to begin
- Click ‘Start Application’
- After completing the online application you will be required to scan or mail your 2023 tax documents
- Independent School Management
Attn: FAST Processing Center
1316 N. Union Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
You may begin the application process before you have received your notice of assessment. The deadline for applications and the submission of tax documents is May 10, 2025.
The goal is to have an award determination made by the last week of June. While no financial aid procedure can be entirely equitable – there are simply too many individual factors and extenuating circumstances – the process of using FAST has been selected as a way to serve our school community well. Among its many features is the ability to further secure your financial data, and maintain the high degree of confidentiality that past recipients most appreciated.