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Reaching Beyond Our Borders

Gr. 5/6 recently started the unit, “Canada-Reaching Beyond Its Borders”, which challenges us to reach beyond the borders of our own classroom and to be God’s hands and feet in His world.

My deep hope for the class is that we overflow with Christ’s love so that all those who cross our paths will feel His love. We decided as a class that there is so much we can do now, right here in our community to overflow His love.

One of our ideas was to visit with our friends at Crown Ridge Retirement Village in Trenton. The Gr. 5/6 class plans to spend an afternoon a month playing games, doing crafts and engaging in fascinating conversations with those who live there. This cross generational interaction is filled with joy, love and compassion. What a blessing to share the love of Jesus with those right here in Trenton. God is so good!