Cultivating Community
The 4/5/6 class at Sonrise Christian Academy did some hands-on learning in their community early in September. Lise Bois, a member of The County Garden Club, came to speak to the class about the importance of gardens, native plants, and pollinators. The class learned that there are approximately 350,000 pollinator species in the world and that bats, birds, flies, and beetles are examples of pollinators. The County Garden Club aims to introduce native plant species back into the land after development has taken place. After learning from Lise, the students were able to hike down the Millennium Trail to help with the layout and planting process at the nearby Jasper St. subdivision. Students created labels so that neighbours can identify the types of plants growing.
Recently, the 4/5/6 students began a unit study of Farley Mowat’s Owls in the Family. Field experts have visited the class from South Shore Joint Initiative (SSJI) to give background information on owls which has bolstered their own in-class research of the animals. They showed examples of stuffed owls and skeletons of these beautiful and majestic birds with the class. This gave a wonderful context for the students to continue to read and understand the classic Canadian story.
These types of interactions with local club and charity leaders allow the students to see themselves as Community Builders, doing real work, interacting with real people, and meeting real needs of those they are serving.