The Heart of BCS
I just thought I’d pass along something that I noticed from the cross country meets. I was in awe of how supportive our students were of each other, and of students from other schools. There were several times I spotted BCS-ers waiting until the last person crossed the finish line, no matter what school they…
Beyond the Classroom
It is often said that childhood is the best time in a person’s life. They often leave out how terrifying it can be to be a child, to feel alone and unsure of who they are. That is why it is so imperative to have a safe place while growing up, that can ground you…
A Place of Belonging
When we were looking to putting our children into school after years of homeschooling. we were incredibly nervous for Pierce. We had heard so many horror stories of kids with disabilities being left for days without any support and even basic needs not being met, never mind their academic learning being met. At the same…