
Quinte Christian High School




138A Wallbridge Loyalist Rd
Belleville, ON
K8N 4Z2

Program Highlights

All of our campuses are certified Teaching for Transformation (TfT) school. TfT is a very intentional multi-disciplinary philosophy and framework that rose out of a deep hope that all Christian Schools could be places where everyone would discover their place as participants in God’s epic story. An important aspect of TfT is the “FLeX” project. Students are challenged to respond with their knowledge in Project-Based Learning endeavours that focus on practical application and service in the broader community.

Teaching for Transformation Overview – PDF Teaching for Transformation – PDF


The academic program at Quinte Christian reflects our belief that our world belongs to God. Christ is at the centre of everything we do: our teaching, our learning, and our relationships. As a Teaching for Transformation (TfT) school, our deep hope is that students will be able to place themselves in God’s story, whether it’s in Tech Shop, History, Biology, or Bible. Courses are designed to be rigorous, challenging and interactive. Teachers work hard to provide a variety of learning experiences that engage and motivate their students in the learning process. If students are going to be successful in their postsecondary studies as well as in their future vocations, they need to take charge of their learning. Teachers challenge students to do just that – to get behind the wheel!

The academic program at Quinte Christian High School leads to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) as well as the QCHS Diploma. The Grade 9 program follows the Ministry of Education’s newly destreamed curriculum, with streaming between academic and applied level courses beginning in Grade 10. In Grade 11 and 12, students can choose between college and university preparation courses depending on their postsecondary goals.

The Arts

The Arts Program consists of art, music and drama. Each of these courses has the potential to place students in touch with the heart of God, the Creator, and can help them to realize their own creative potential.

The program meets students where they are and encourages them to communicate through the arts: in art by seeing and making; in music by listening and performing; in drama by giving form to human experience.

The Arts provide students with the opportunity to explore and develop their unique gifts and abilities. In Grade 9, all students take an introductory half credit in visual art and instrumental music. From there, our program is designed for students with a passion in the arts to pursue one or more of visual art, drama and music through Grade 12 university preparatory courses.

The Dramatic Arts Program offers a unique way to for students to learn about themselves. It gives a concrete form for emotions, attitudes, opinions and relationships to each other and God. It develops communication and concentration skills and at the same time requires the individual to utilize these skills in community. Students may also share their gifts in our annual extracurricular drama production, typically put on each spring.

The Music Program involves the student with music as a unique form of communication and expression. Students develop skills in the areas of instrumental performance, creation and analysis. They examine the relationship between faith and the use of music in worship, both historically and in their daily lives.

The Visual Arts Program offers the student many opportunities to recreate the art and design with which God has filled His creation. Drawing, painting, graphics, sculpture, pottery, art history, and many other media meet each student’s unique abilities to produce his/her own art works. Students have opportunities to interact with the community and showcase their works through walking tours, gallery visits, banners, and murals.

Eagles Athletics

The interscholastic athletic program is an extension of the physical education program. It aims to further develop the athletic talents and abilities of the student athlete. We encourage our athletes to compete hard, but always with the understanding that the overall experience and maturing of the individual is more important than the number of wins and losses. Competitors are treated as fellow athletes whose cooperation is necessary for the contest to be held and whose competition can help the athlete so that both may develop their God-given talents. Athletics done well can be a way in which we worship our God.

We are part of the local Bay of Quinte league and a member of COSSA. We are also a member of the Ontario Christian Secondary School Athletics Association.

We typically compete in the following sports: boys and girls basketball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls volleyball, cross country, track & field, badminton, golf, and hockey (tournament only)

Athletics Links

Bay of Quinte and COSSA

Extracurricular Activities

Student life at Quinte Christian High School is not just work in the classrooms. We have a very active extracurricular program, which includes the following (and more!):

Arts Council: students organize and sponsor art events at the school.

Athletic Council: students organize and support the different athletic events that are an integral component of school life

Intramural Sports: in school competition in a variety of sports including volleyball, basketball, badminton, spikeball, and more. This is run by and for students!

Faith Talks: a vital part of the life of our school in which students engage in prayer and faith conversations together

Student Council: students work together to organize fun activities, fundraisers for worthy causes, and school spirit days

Tractor Club: students work to restore an antique tractor – currently we are working on our third tractor!

Worship Team: students develop their vocal and instrumental skills and prepare to lead in worship assemblies and in churches

Yearbook: this is where you will find the memories of your years at QCHS stored!

Career Education & Guidance

The QCHS Guidance Department seeks to meet the needs of students in the area of career exploration and post-secondary education planning.  Through the Grade 10 Career Education class, group sessions, and individual meetings, students are encouraged to discover their gifts so they may honour God’s purpose for their lives and find joyful and fulfilling work in His world.

Students are also welcome to seek help from the Guidance Department with academic or personal matters that may arise from day to day.  In all areas of their lives we hope our students will flourish, as they learn to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness.

An important element of the Career Education and Guidance department is the Cooperative Education program. Students in Grade 11 and 12 are eligible to take co-op placements for credit to allow them to experience potential career options. Starting in 2021, QCHS is able to partner with Edvance to offer the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) to our students. In eligible placements, students can begin to log hours towards their apprenticeship and take courses like Working at Heights.

Student Support Services

Chapel & Assembly

Staff and students gather in the foyer each Friday morning for chapel and on special occasions for assemblies. Student praise teams lead in worship and students, staff, or guest speakers lead a reflection.

girls praying
volleyball hair

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