Quinte Region Christian Schools
Quinte Region Christian Schools is a multi-campus Christian school board in the Quinte Region and serves students in pre. K- Grade 12.
138A Wallbridge Loyalist Rd
Belleville, ON
K8N 4Z2
Our Vision
Every student is an active disciple of Christ, passionately seeking, serving, loving, leading, and reaching others for today, tomorrow, and eternity.
Mission Statement
Quinte Region Christian Schools offers enhanced Christian education, based on the truth of the Bible, to equip and challenge our students to be disciples of Christ in an ever-changing world.
Core Values
- Christ is at the centre of everything we do: our teaching, our learning, our relationships.
- We offer enhanced Christian education through responsive teaching, relevant learning, and authentic community.
- We teach the truth of the Bible through faithful study, critical thinking, and compassionate service.
- We strive to equip and challenge students and staff to discover gifts, uncover purpose, and refine skills.
- We are disciples of Christ, called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly in His world.
Graduate Profile
The graduate profile helps us live out our vision and mission by providing definitions of what it means to be a disciple (head), why we have discipleship habits (heart), and how we practice being a disciple (hands). Explore (Head) → Desire (Heart) → Practise (Hands)
The Quinte Region Christian Schools community desires to honour God by graduating well-rounded students who:
God Worshippers – Worship God in all parts of their lives, with all aspects of their being.
Image Reflectors – Develop their talents and gifts to reflect God’s character and to bless others.
Earth Keepers – Respect and care for all parts of God’s world.
Creation Enjoyers – Discover, enjoy, and celebrate God’s creation.
Order Discoverers – See and rejoice in God’s fingerprints throughout all of creation.
Idolatry Discerners – Recognize idols in their own lives and choose to focus on the true God.
Beauty Creators – Glorify God through my creativity.
Servant Workers – Bring joy and healing to others through service.
Community Builders – Understand and build community.
Justice Seekers – See injustice and try to respond with love and fairness.