tcs bibles

Trenton Christian School




340 2nd Dug Hill Rd.
Trenton, ON

At Trenton Christian School, our teachers have the privilege of teaching students in preschool through Grade Eight from a Christian perspective. This begins with the
Biblical truth that “all belongs to God”. In developing and preparing the curriculum to be taught the task of the Christian teacher is to help expose God’s fingerprints in all things-
language arts, mathematics, social studies, the sciences, etc. Sharing about who God is and that He is the “God of All things” does not only happen in a Bible class. Our students and staff join together on a life journey, knowing that they are a vital part of the class and school, because each person is important and belongs. Our TCS community acknowledges that God created each child in His own image with diverse gifts and talents.

All of our campuses are certified Teaching for Transformation (TfT) schools. TfT is a very intentional multi-disciplinary philosophy and framework that rose out of a deep hope that all Christian Schools could be places where everyone would discover their place as participants in God’s epic story. An important aspect of TfT is the “FLeX” project. Students are challenged to respond with their knowledge in Project-Based Learning endeavours that focus on practical application and service in the broader community.

Teaching for Transformation Overview – PDF Teaching for Transformation – PDF

“And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord” (Micah 6:8)

tcs boys reading
3 girls
tcs kids 2

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